Not really keen on Maths?
Use our calculators.
The more you know the better you manage your company’s finances!

If you’re an entrepreneur you need to include the VAT rate while setting the price for your goods or services
Got a business? Check how much you can save by calculating all tax deductible costs.
Running a company or planning to start one? This calculator will help you to forecast your earnings.
Is 20 Euro gross per hour enough to keep your company afloat?
Count your hourly rate
You can check out all the cool features
by signing up for a 30 day
free trial period.
After the trial period just choose the package that best suits your company.
Any doubts?

eFaktura software
works with KVK RDW and VIES databases.

Every software feature was created accordingly with tax systems of the country, where your company is located.