ZZP hourly rate calculator for Netherlands
How important is the hourly rate for your company?
In Netherlands, especially in the construction business, employers issue weekly invoices based on the hourly rate, therefore it’s the hourly rate that determines how much you can earn. That’s why it’s so essential to calculate it well.
What do you need to consider calculating the hourly rate?
Is 20 Euro gross per hour enough to keep your company afloat? Check at what rate your hourly rate should stand, so that your salary can make you happy later on.
Market realities, competition’s prices , your own professional experience and the quality of your services are things you also need to take into account.
How our hourly rate calculator works?
Thanks to our calculator you can estimate the hourly rate based on the preferable net income.
Just give the amount of the expected salary, fill in the data regarding your company and determine the hourly rate.
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eFaktura software
works with KVK RDW and VIES databases.

Every software feature was created accordingly with tax systems of the country, where your company is located.